


Building Resilience Workshop

The art of recognising and managing your stressors.

The Coronavirus epidemic is making it increasingly important for people to have skills for building resilience.

As an employer you have a fundamental duty of care for the physical and emotional well-being of your staff.

Are your staff finding it difficult to cope with stress in their lives?

Do your staff know how to recognise their signs of being stressed?

Do they know what their stressors are?

Would they like to know the best ways to manage their stress?

Would they like to know what they should avoid when managing their stress?

Would they like to know how other people can help them manage their stress?

Course aim

To support staff in increasing their resilience

Course objectives

To understand the definition of resilience and the impact of taking control

To identify you at your best and examine what happens under pressure

To understand the impact of type in managing pressure

To develop an understanding of energisers and stressors

To create strategies for building personal resilience

Target Audience

All staff

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